Jeremy is one of the lead engineers on a space station focused on advancing human anti-matter power technology so they can catch up to the Federation of Species Humans hope to join.
Gralgiran is the captain of the Viper’s Bane, a hunter ship on a mission to investigate if Earthers are stockpiling more anti-matter than a Species being considered for admission within the Federation is permitted to.
When they meet, both feel something for the other, but one has difficulty understanding what his gods are playing at, while the other has been trained to misunderstand those feelings.
As Jeremy is forced to confront how he feels, and what has been done to him, he needs to decide where his loyalties lie. And once he makes his decision, can he and Gralgiran accept the consequences?
Love transcends space, they say, but when that love crossed territories, will those ruling those territories be willing to let go of what they consider theirs? And happens when one of those people is personally invested in keeping Jeremy at his side?
Jeremy didn’t ask for any of this.
He didn’t even think he wanted what is offered to him.
But is being the captain’s heart worth the cost to him, to the stability of relationships between species, or to the people who might turn his decision into a rallying cry?
Jeremy considers himself nothing more than an engineer on a space station as far from earth as he could get. But that he believe in them or not, the gods might have greater plans for him and the captain who is his heart.
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